Friday 15 June 2018


Subscribe to the weekly e-devotional GodTracker

GodTracker 681The e-devotional helping to keep you on-track with God’s plans for your life
GodTracker is published by Sure Reality Media at

 Parakletos (the Holy Spirit) is always alongside comforting me, even when I’m unaware of his presence.”

 Matthew 5:4“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

Jamie had recently lost his mother. He missed her greatly. He missed those long chats over a cup of coffee and he missed her faithful affirmation when he did something worth complimenting. Though he has a loving family of his own, Jamie knew life just wouldn’t be the same without his mom. Unfortunately, coincidentally, he was also experiencing a tumultuous time at work, with prospects of losing his job.

“It never rains, but it pours,” Jamie said in a text to a good friend. “I’m feeling so low. Carol has been urging me to be strong, and many folks have been sending me encouraging thoughts, but it feels like water off a duck’s back. I know God is in this, but I feel so distant.”

“Jamie, just keep your eyes on Jesus and stay under the sound of his word,” came the reply from his faithful friend.

Can you relate to Jamie’s story? I can. We all endure loss, hardship and difficulties such as this from time to time. Scripture says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” However, if we acknowledge the Lord in everything – good and bad – he will, nevertheless, direct our paths. Our Lord has promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” When I suffer hardships like Jamie’s, I tend to become numb and seemingly unfeeling. But, even though I may feel emotionally dazed, I know that my Lord is ever by my side. Parakletos (the Holy Spirit) is always alongside comforting me, even when I’m unaware of his presence.

Jamie took his friend’s advice. He continued to pray, read his Bible and attend church, even though he did not feel like it. He waited for God to direct his paths according to his will. Soon the haze began to lift. Jamie began to feel the comfort of the Comforter. God’s peace settled in his heart. He overcame his sense of loss, though he continued to miss his mom. Loving memories are priceless. By the grace of God, he was still before the Lord within the conflict at work and was soon vindicated. God was true to his Word and, because Jamie had remained under the sound of Word of God, he was restored.

God-tracking is remaining under God’s Word, quietly resting in the Comforter’s peace.

 READ ALL ABOUT ITEcclesiastes 1:8-9
Proverbs 3:5-6
Hebrews 13:5
Psalm 37:1-7
John 14:27


 Thank you for your peace. Thank you for your comfort. Thank you for your deliverance and vindication

 “Dear Lord, I deeply miss my loved one. I know life on earth is temporal and we will all die someday but help me deal with this loss. Help me to rest in your comfort in every situation in life when I find my peace compromised. Lord, I choose to remain under the sound of your Word and keep my eyes on Jesus. I rest in you and continue to acknowledge you in all my circumstance. Thank you for your peace. Thank you for your comfort. Thank you for your deliverance and vindication. You are faithful O Lord, and I put my faith I you, always. Amen.”

 If you want more prayer, please email me at

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What is GodTracker? GodTracker is a weekly e-mail devotional based on the premise that God has a plan for our lives. His Word calls us to seek his plan by acknowledging him in all our ways and by tracking his purposes, in faith.

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