Author: Dudley Anderson |
The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track
Published through
23 September 2016
Dear God-tracker
This e-devotional / blog is published once a week via It developed as a result of a radio programme I once produced called, On Track. Listeners of the radio show wrote in asking for copies of the content I shared on-air. I began sending this information out by e-mail once a week. These e-mails later developed into the e-devotional that has become known as, trACker. trACker is sent out to e-mail subscribers and published on several online blog sites every Friday.
I wish to express my deepest appreciation to you for supporting this ministry over the years. Your input invaluable. Therefore, from time to time I request your feedback in the form of a very short questionnaire.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would email with your answers to the following questions.
If you prefer, the questionnaire is also available online as an anonymous s
1. How long have you subscribed to or been reading this devotional?
2. How do you read trACker? By e-mail or online on a blog or social media site? If so, please tell us which one.
3. How has trACker helped you in your Christian walk?
4. Please give us any comments that may help us produce a better service to you
trACker is based on the scripture that reminds us that God knows the plans he has for us. The truth of that statement is, it is indeed, God who knows the plans he has for us; we don’t, not until he reveals them to us, that is. Therefore, to remain walking in God’s will we need to continue to seek and track his plans for us by acknowledging him in all our ways and keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Every blessing