Friday, 9 April 2021


GodTracker 801

The motivational thought helping to keep you on track with God’s plans for your life.
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“So, take a step back from your hectic routine today and allow yourself to dream of great adventures and aspirations according to the plans your God knows he has for you.”

John 10:10 (KJV)
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

 Someone once said that the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. So many of us, me included, have great dreams and aspirations in life but end up procrastinating so long that we become bored and fail to make the most of the opportunity.

The truth is, now is the hour! The Bible tells us that if we hear God’s voice we need to respond and enter his purposes, today. Why is it then, that we hold back on living out our new lives in Christ? Is it because we think Christians can’t have fun? The truth here is, Jesus did not only come to give us life after death but he came to give us abundant life, starting now! The Christian life begins with entering God’s rest the moment one accepts Christ as Lord. He enjoys the rest of life in abundance from that moment on.

Jesus is called the Life. When Christ enters our hearts, we enjoy the promise of eternal life after death but we also gain the abundance of life before death. Living for Christ is no humdrum event. Living for Jesus is exciting, challenging and rewarding. We enjoy the rewards of God in this life by faith; those who track God’s will in faith are rewarded by him.

The Lord has so many plans for those who track his will by faith. God’s plans are for a prosperous life, full of peace and hope for a good future. God’s plans will take us beyond our wildest imaginations. If it is true that Jesus gave us abundant life then let’s step out in faith today and lay hold of those plans he has for us!

Perhaps you’re a procrastinator, like me. Augustine said, “God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.” If you are a procrastinator then repent of it and seek the Lord to help you accept God’s exuberant plans for your life. The Christian walk is more than a set of religious rituals. The Christian walk is a lifestyle of worship to be celebrated every moment of every day. Tracking God’s plans involves more than just Sunday morning kisses; it involves filling our daily lives with moments of intimate fellowship with Abba Father.

So, take a step back from your hectic routine today and allow yourself to dream of great adventures and aspirations according to the plans your God knows he has for you. Then step out in faith and enjoy the abundant life that you have in Christ, today!

God-tracking is enjoying full life in Christ, today.

Jeremiah 29:11
Hebrews 4:7-13
John 4:6
Hebrews 11:6
Ephesians 3:20-21
Isaiah 43:18-19

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I claim your plans and your future for me

”Dear Father God, thank you so much for the promise of eternal life that I have in you, through Jesus. I am so grateful for the life I will enjoy in the hereafter but I’m also so grateful that the life you have given me, through Jesus, in the here and now. I commit all my life to you and acknowledge you in every aspect of my life: my relationships, my job, my church, my dreams and my ambitions. I praise you for abundant life and seek your plans for that life. Guide me in my aspirations and lead me in my desires. I claim your plans and your future for me. Help me to walk according to your purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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What is GodTracker?
GodTracker is a weekly e-mail devotional, written by Dudley Ander
son, based on the premise that God has a plan for our lives. His Word calls us to seek his plan by acknowledging him in all our ways and by tracking his purposes, in faith.

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