Friday, 26 May 2023

He's Done it All

GodTracker 900

The e-devotional to help keep you on track with God’s plans for your life.
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“Indeed, it is finished. God made him who had no sin to be a sin offering for you and me so that, in  him, we might receive the righteousness of God.”

John 19:30
So, when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

Jesus had been severely beaten, flogged and crucified. He had been hanging on the cross for several hours while spikes through his hands and feet flooded his body with excruciating pain. Normally, it would take many hours, even days, for a victim of crucifixion to die. Yet Jesus was approaching the end. In all probability, he had lost a great deal of blood due to his injuries. Finally, he cries in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which is Aramaic for “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” a fulfilment of Messianic prophecy. And then, after taking a sip of wine vinegar, he calls out, “It… is… finished!” Bowing his head, Jesus, the Christ, dies.

The wages of sin is death and all have sinned and missed the perfect goodness of God Almighty. Yet, Jesus, the Son of God was born free of sin because he had no earthly father. We read that he was tempted, as we are, yet never succumbed. However, God, his Father, chose to impute the righteous Christ with our sin so that, in him, we might be imputed with God’s righteousness. The wages of sin is death so Jesus died. Yet, because he was guiltless death had no legal right to hold onto him. And so, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, thus opening the way for you and me to be acquitted from the wages of sin. That’s the grace of God. We are saved through faith in his grace.

Indeed, it is finished. God made him who had no sin to be a sin offering for you and me so that, in  him, we might receive the righteousness of God. He has done it all. Nothing more can be added to that act of grace. There is nothing you or I could ever do to make us right before God except to admit that there is nothing you or I could ever do to make us right before God. And that’s faith, confidence in the complete work of Christ on the cross.

Now ain’t that the Good News?!

God-tracking is resting in the finished work of Christ

Get into the word of God and get the word of God into you!
Psalm 22:1-18
Romans 6:23
Romans 3:23
Hebrews 4:14-15
2 Corinthians 5:21
Ephesians 2:4-10

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“I believe that Jesus died and rose again and now confess him to be lord of my life.”

”Dear God, I admit I’m a sinner. I have missed the mark of your goodness. I repent of all that I have done in my life that has displeased you and I repent of the fact that I was born into sin. Thank you for your righteous Son, Jesus Christ, who offered his life for mine. Thank you, Jesus, that you were obedient to the cross. And thank you Holy Spirit for raising Jesus from the dead. It is finished. My sin is atoned for. I believe that Jesus died and rose again and now confess him to be lord of my life. I accept my forgiveness by your grace and surrender my life to you. Amen.”

VERY IMPORTANT: If you prayed that prayer today email me now at

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What is GodTracker?
GodTracker is a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought, written by Dudley Anderson, based on the premise that God has a plan for our lives. His Word calls us to seek his plan by acknowledging him in all our ways and by tracking his purposes, in faith.

Listen to GodTracker podcasts by Dudley Anderson at,

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.