Friday, 3 May 2019


GodTracker 709The e-devotional helping to keep you on track with God’s plans for your life. GodTracker is published at

“God knows your future. He is the one who controls your input and your output… you can trust him to provide all you will ever need for daily living, precisely when you need it!

Proverbs 10:22The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it
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God has an uncanny way of always turning up at the right place and at the right time, doesn’t he?  For instance, just the other week I was crying out to him - again - for his “blessings” on my life, whining and moaning about that common ol’ problem… money!  I do realise that I’m not alone in this cry to God because money (or lack thereof) is an issue that affects us all. I grumbled to God that I missed those days when he would surprise me with a spontaneous little gift here and there.  Why has it stopped?  Why haven’t I been “blessed” like that for a while?  What am I doing wrong?

When I finally stopped complaining, God reminded me that he, not only hears my prayers, but he knows exactly how and when to bless me. I sat down at my desk with an envelope that I found in my letterbox. I lazily opened it to discover a spontaneous anonymous donation towards my ministry!

You see, God doesn’t just hear your prayers for help, he knows everything about your need. And he knows more about your life than just the needs you might have at this moment. He knows your wants, your dreams and your deepest desires.  He knows your motives and the secrets of your heart.  He knows your frustrations and your fears.  He knows it all and he knows how to take care of it all.

The amount that I found in that envelope was not a large amount of money. However, what blessed me about God’s provision was the how and the when I received it. God was reminding me that he is still in control of my life, my family and my ministry, even when it seems to me, he is silent. Even when my need seems bigger than Mt Kilimanjaro, I know that he is the God who removes mountains and casts them into the sea! And he does so in his own timing.

God knows your future. He is the one who controls your input and your output. He is the one who opens and closes the doors of opportunity according to his perfect timing. Provided you keep your eyes on him and acknowledge him in all your ways, you can trust him to provide all you will ever need for daily living, precisely when you need it!

God-tracking is expecting God’s blessings, in his time.

READ ALL ABOUT ITIsaiah 55:8-11
Philippians 4:19
Psalm 37:4
Matthew 6:7-8
1 Thessalonians 5:24

If today’s GodTracker has spoken to you I’d love to hear from you.Please email me -


I don’t care how dramatic or mundane my conversion was, dear Lord, I believe that my story matters.

Dear Lord, thank you that you are in control of my life. I reaffirm that I acknowledge you in all my ways and therefore trust you to send your blessings, in your time. Lord, I know that you know everything there is to know about me. You know my needs before I even know them. So, I place my confidence in your wisdom and grace to richly meet all my needs, in Christ. I delight myself in you, for your word says are faithful and you will do it. Praise God. Amen.”

If you desire more prayer, please email me -

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What is GodTracker?
GodTracker is a weekly e-mail devotional, written by Dudley Anderson, based on the premise that God has a plan for our lives. His Word calls us to seek his plan by acknowledging him in all our ways and by tracking his purposes, in faith.
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