Friday, 12 April 2019


GodTracker 707The e-devotional helping to keep you on track with God’s plans for your life
GodTracker is published at

“At times… my life has felt like a lump of molten glass at the end of a glassblower’s blowpipe that has popped under the pressures of life. It is then that the Glassblower has returned me to his furnace and turned up the heat.

Jeremiah 18:4And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.

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There is a craft centre near my home where a glassblower has set up his shop. I love going down there to watch him at work. He begins by attaching a lump of raw glass to the end of his blowpipe and then places it in the furnace. When the glass is heated sufficiently and softened by the heat, he removes it from the fire and begins to gently blow through the pipe into the molten glass. Slowly, under the pressure of his breath, the lump of glass begins to expand until it becomes a glowing bubble. Gradually, he continues to shape the piece and add other parts to it until he has formed it into the masterpiece of his design.

All along the glassblower has the shape and purpose of the object he is shaping, in his mind. In his heart, he has decided its purpose and splendour. If the piece he is blowing becomes disfigured or bursts under the pressure of his blowing, he will place it back in the furnace and reshape it until it fits perfectly with the plan he had for the object he is creating.

“I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. If you know and have acknowledged Christ as Lord of your life, then you can be sure he has a plan for you. The Scripture tells us that if we acknowledge God in all our ways, he will direct our life’s track. Your Lord is omniscient. That is, God knows everything there is to know about everything. This includes you and your whole life. God knows your past, your present and your future. You are the object of his creation. More than this, God knows what he has in his mind for the object he is creating. You have purpose!

Don’t let anyone convince you that you are useless or worthless. Your value is equal to the value of the life of God’s own Son, Jesus. You see, God Almighty sent Jesus to give his life for you, that you may have new life in him. God does nothing by chance. In Christ, your life does not operate by random default, it operates by purposeful design.

However, sometimes it doesn’t feel as though we have any purpose in life. I know that feeling – I’ve been there, too. At times like this, my life has felt like a lump of molten glass at the end of a glassblower’s blowpipe that has popped under the pressures of life. It is then that the Glassblower has returned me to his furnace and turned up the heat. But, when that happens, he is merely refining my purity and softening my heart so that I will again become malleable under the pressure of his breath.
God knows the plans he has for you, dear GodTracker. So, keep your heart soft and your eyes on Jesus as you seek his perfect purpose for your life.

God-tracking is trusting the master craftsman to shape your life   

READ ALL ABOUT ITJeremiah 29:11-13
Proverbs 3:5-6
Jeremiah 18:1-4

If today’s GodTracker has spoken to you I’d love to hear from you.
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Shape me and make me into the good piece you have designed and purposed for me to be

Dear Lord, sometimes it feels like the heat is on and I’m under huge pressures. Forgive me, Lord, when I fail or pop under such pressure. I am infallible, but you are not. Therefore, I submit now to the heat of your furnace and the pressure of your breath. Shape me and make me into the good piece you have designed and purposed for me to be. I place my trust in you and continue to acknowledge you in all my ways. Thank you for the plans you have for my life. In Jesus, I pray. Amen.”

If you desire more prayer, please email me -

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GodTracker is a weekly e-mail devotional, written by Dudley Anderson, based on the premise that God has a plan for our lives. His Word calls us to seek his plan by acknowledging him in all our ways and by tracking his purposes, in faith.

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