Friday, 7 October 2011

trACker number377 Stop Cluttering the PrayerWaves With Clanging Banging and Submissively Listen to Gods Heart

trACker number377
The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track
GodTracker is online at 

07 October 2011 
Dear God Tracker

Stop Cluttering the Prayer-Waves With Clanging & Banging and Submissively Listen to God’s Heart

Prayer is a two way street: us talking to God and God talking to us. Sometimes, however, we forget this and end up making so much noise with our petitions and requests that we don’t hear what the Holy Spirit is trying to say to us. It’s like asking a passerby for directions to the bus stop without giving him a moment answer in before we say goodbye and move off on our blissfully ignorant way, none the wiser.

I once gave a demonstration of how God’s experience of some of our prayer times may be. I asked our church drummer to climb behind his kit and perform his best drum solo while I tried to read a Psalm to the people. Of course, as you can well imagine, the congregation heard none of what I was saying, because the noise behind me was too great! Sometimes our words are just like clanging cymbals and banging drums. We often just make a big noise in prayer and not truly seek God’s heart in our situations. And then we often assume to speak for God, too. We tend to believe that we have heard his word when in fact all we have heard are our own opinions! 

Dear God Tracker, as we seek to track God’s plans for our lives let us keep our eyes on Jesus and our spiritual ears open to what he is saying to us in prayer. Often the Holy Spirit will rest a gentle impression in our hearts or open the scriptures to us during prayer but to hear these words, we need to be still and know that he is God. (By the way, being still does not necessarily mean being quiet but it does mean ceasing from all human effort to attain God’s will.) So, let’s submit to his will and get out from under his feet and into his hands. Let us stop assuming that God has spoken when in fact he is silent and let us stop blaming God for being silent when in fact it is we who are not listening. Let’s stop cluttering the prayer-waves with clanging and banging and submissively listen to God’s heart.

God-tracking is listening for God’s voice.




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Our hope is that, by sharing experiences in tracking the will of God, we will draw closer to him and discover the awesome value of walking with God. Let us know what you think by e-mailing God knows the plans he has for you. So go ahead and track them!

GodTracker now on Facebook

What is trACker?
GodTracker and trACker owe their origins to an international Christian radio programme produced by Dudley Anderson called, OnTrack. Although OnTrack went off-air in 2005, trACker has continued to help people to track God's plans and purposes for their lives since July 2003.

You can now hear Dudley Anderson on UCB UK
Saturdays from 00:00 to 05:00 GMT and Sundays from 06:00 to 12:00 GMT
Listen to UCB UK on DAB, Sky channel 0125 or online at




Verse of the Week

Zechariah 2:13
“Be still before the LORD, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling."

Quote of the Week

A Sample of Dudley’s Fave Quotes.

“I have so many things to do today; I dare not ignore my time with God.” -- Martin Luther


Don’t Give-up, Look-up!

Look-up and Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!

Fight My Fights

Exodus 14:14
“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."

“O Lord I have so many issues in my life at the moment that I don’t know which to deal with first. I realise that I have cluttered my days with too many activities and well meaning works but I fear that I have not heard your will in it all. Forgive me for not being still before you so as to hear your directions for me. I want to do so just now, as I wait on you to fight my fights, In Jesus name…”

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